ANF Affiliate Membership

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    Affiliates (Clubs, Resorts, Groups)

    Affiliates must be based in Australia. Overseas organisations can apply to become sponsors.

    There is a fixed annual membership fee of $200 per year, this would entitle the organisation to:


    • Advertising in the ANF website, which will include links to their organisation.
    • Advertising on all ANF’s social media platforms, including the Grin ‘n’ Bare It videos as well as future social media platforms.
    • Receive all ANF newsletters.
    • Be included in the ANF email distribution list, to be notified of upcoming events and ANF news across Australia.
    • A vote at the Annual General Meeting.
    • Be listed on the INF website for prospective overseas visitors coming to Australia.
    • Permission to submit ads and events on INF’s FB page.
    • Receive all INF newsletters


    There is a fixed annual membership fee of $200 per year, this would entitle the sponsor to:


    • Advertising in the ANF website, which will include links to their organisation.
    • Advertising on all ANF’s social media platforms including the Grin ‘n’ Bare It videos as well as future social media platforms.
    • Receive all ANF newsletters.
    • Be included in the ANF email distribution list, to be notified of upcoming events and ANF news across Australia.