Apply to join the Anf committee

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Please consider joining the leadership team of the Australian Naturist Federation


    • Are you passionate about naturism ?
    • The Australian Naturist Federation is looking for dedicated volunteers to join its committee and drive positive change in the naturist community.
    • Work with us in shaping the future of naturism in Australia!

Why join the leadership team?


    • Make a Difference: As a committee member, you will have the opportunity to influence policies and initiatives that promote naturism and advocate for its acceptance and growth in Australia.
    • Collaborate with Like-Minded Individuals: Join a team of passionate naturists who share your enthusiasm and vision for the naturist lifestyle.
    • Develop Leadership Skills: Gain valuable leadership experience and expand your network within the naturist community and beyond.
    • Contribute Your Expertise: Whether you have experience in marketing, event planning, advocacy, or other areas, your skills and ideas are valuable to us.
    • Support the Naturist Community: Your contributions will directly impact the experiences of naturists across Australia, helping to create a more inclusive and welcoming community.

Executive and General Committees


    • President
    • Vice President
    • Treasurer
    • Secretary
    • Independent Member Administrator


All those on the Executive Committee are also members of the General Committee

    • Assistant Secretary
    • Assistant Treasurer
    • Public Relations Officer
    • Affiliate Administrator
    • State Representatives
    • Webmaster


Nominees for Executive Committee positions should ideally possess skill sets that demonstrate:

    • Effective communications skills (inclusive of reading, writing, speaking, listening, using communications technology, and through non-verbal techniques, with individuals and/or groups in a variety of personal, social, and problem-solving situations)
    • Teamwork skills (the ability to operate effectively as a member of a team in completing tasks, solving problems, and working towards agreed goals and the Association’s objects)
    • Being highly motivated to the purpose and objects of the Association.
    • The ability to be a self-starter and be prepared to work independently and be cognitive of the need for close liaison with fellow executive members.
    • Initiative, leadership, enthusiasm, and commitment.
    • A willingness to carry out all lawful directions of the General and Executive Committees and General Meetings


Nominees for General Committee positions should ideally possess skill sets that demonstrate:

    • Effective communications.
    • Teamwork skills.
    • Being motivated to the purpose and objects of the Association.
    • Being a self-starter and be prepared to work independently and be cognitive of the need for close liaison with fellow committee members.
    • Possess initiative, enthusiasm, and commitment.
    • A willingness to carry out all lawful directions of the General and Executive Committees and General Meetings


    • Must be a current member of the Australian Naturist Federation.
    • Commitment to attend committee meetings and actively participate in discussions and initiatives.
    • Willingness to uphold the values and mission of the Australian Naturist Federation.

Current vacancies


    • Assistant Treasurer
    • State Representative, Northern Territory
    • State Representative, Tasmania
    • State Representative, Western Australia
    • Marketing person- we would appreciate some assistance with marketing in order that we may reach more naturists and affiliated organisations (no current position description)

How to apply

    • Please look through the position descriptions for all Committee positions further down this page
    • Decide which vacant ANF Committee position that you may interested in
    • Contact the ANF President via email if you would like further details in relation to any of the vacant positions prior to applying
    • The Application Form – ANF Committee Positions follows the position descriptions
    • Fill in all requested  details
    • If the question does not apply to you, please answer “Not Applicable”, or “Unknown”.
    • You will have the option to preview the information that you provide prior to submitting the details
    • There will be an option to send a copy of the information to your email address
    • All personal information is used strictly in accordance with our Privacy Policy
    • Link to ANF Privacy Policy
    • An ANF Committee Member will contact you in relation to your expression of interest
    • Please allow a few days as we are all volunteers

Position descriptions

  • Be responsible for the good management of the Association, supervise the activities of the Office Bearers and Officers and act as the principal Liaison Officer at all levels of management and administration.
  • Shall preside over all Association meetings and be an ex officio member of all sub-committees.
  • Be a driving force for the committees to motivate people.
  • Maintaining the wishes of the committees.
  • Additional skills set desired by nominees:
    • Have good people skills.
    • A good knowledge of meeting procedures and the rules of debate.
    • Be able to interpret and apply the Legislative provisions that govern an incorporated association.
    • Be able to interpret and apply the Associations Constitution, Bylaws, Policies and Procedures.
    • Be able to interpret reactions and responses to understand the views of others.
Vice President
  • Assist the President in their duties,
  • Undertake the duties of the President in the case of a temporary or permanent absence or incapacity of the President until such time as the President resumes their duties or until a new President is appointed.
  • Additional skills set desired by nominees:
    • Have good people skills.
    • A good knowledge of meeting procedures and the rules of debate.
    • Be able to interpret and apply the Legislative provisions that govern an incorporated association.
    • Be able to interpret and apply the Associations Constitution, Bylaws, Policies and Procedures.
    • Be able to interpret reactions and responses to understand the views of others.
  • Carry out all the administrative business of the Association, including but not limited to:
    • Taking minutes of Association meetings.
    • Keeping and updating all records, documents.
    • Process all correspondence relating to the business of the Association.
    • Act as receiving officer on all occasions.
    • Notifications of Association meetings.
  • Additional skill sets required by nominees:
    • Competence in office-based computer software (Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Publishing, Email).
  • The Treasure shall in additions to the duties identified in the Association’s constitution:
    • Submit an annual budget of anticipated expenditure correlated with the current income and suggest alterations to the fee structure or other sources of income to maintain the financial viability of the Association.
    • Arrange for the annual financial statements to be audited, and report on these audited statements to the Annual General Meeting.
  • Additional skill sets required by nominees:
    • Competence in office-based computer software (Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Publishing, Email).
    • Basic accounting knowledge.
  • Additional skill sets desired by nominees:
    • Experience in using MYOB AccountRight software or similar.
Assistant Secretary
  • The Assistant Secretary shall:
    • Assist the Secretary as required.
    • Undertake the duties of the Secretary in the case of a temporary or permanent absence or incapacity of the Secretary until such time as the Secretary resumes their duties or until a new Secretary is appointed.

  • Additional skill sets desired by nominees:
    • Competence in office-based computer software (Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Publishing, Email).
Assistant Treasurer
  • The Assistant Treasurer shall:
    • Assist the Treasurer as required.
    • Undertake the duties of the Treasurer in the case of the temporary or permanent absence or incapacity of the Treasurer until such time that the Treasurer is able to resume office, or a new Treasurer is appointed.
  • Additional skill sets desired by nominees
    • Competence in office-based computer software (Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Publishing, Email
Individual Membership Administrator
  • The Membership Administrator shall:
  • Process all member applications, administer the membership database and update all relevant documents and records, while maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of the member records.
  • Maintain and distribute membership cards.
  • Be the main point of contact for individual membership enquiries.
  • Additional skills set desired by nominees:
    • Competence in office-based computer software (Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Publishing, Email).
Public Relations Officer
  • The Public Relations Officer shall:
    • Carry out public relations duties in consultation with the President and/or Executive as instructed by the Annual General Meeting.
    • Represent the ANF to the media.
    • Liaise with the State/Territory representatives, with the agreement of the Executive, to foster public relations activities on a regional basis.
    • Report to the Executive at the regular executive meeting, report annually at the Annual General Meeting and make recommendations for any future action.
    • Lead and coordinate the ANF Social Media Presence.
  • Additional skills set desired by nominees:
    • Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
State Representatives
  • State Representatives perform a networking role that will encourage Affiliated Organisations of a state to work together, and to promote unity and communication between those organisations and ANF Individual Members. 
  • State representatives shall:
    • Be the main organisers for interclub social events for all the Affiliated Organisations at state level.
    • Seek out and if appropriate keep in contact with non-affiliated clubs, resorts and groups in the respective states to encourage them to consider becoming registered with ANF.
    • Represent the Affiliated Organisations and Individual Members of their state with matters regarding their state laws and regulations about naturism/nudism. An example is being able to influence the decision of existing clothing optional beaches not getting closed and the possible proclamation of new ones being opened.
Affiliate Administrator
  • The Affiliate Administrator shall:
    • Process all affiliate applications, administer the affiliate database and update all relevant documents and records, while maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of the affiliate records.
    • Liaise with affiliates.
    • Act as the conduit between the ANF Committees and the affiliates.
  • Additional skills set required by nominees:
    • Competence in office-based computer software (Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Publishing, Email)

The Webmaster is responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining the Australian Naturist Federation’s WordPress website. This includes creating a user-friendly, visually appealing design, managing content, troubleshooting technical issues, and engaging with members through online forums and social media integration. The Webmaster should have experience with WordPress, web design, and content management, as well as strong communication skills and a commitment to the values of the federation.

Public Officer
  • The public officer is responsible for:
    • notifying Fair Trading of any change in the association’s official address within 28 days
    • collecting all association documents from former committee members and delivering the documents to the new committee member
    • returning all association documents to a committee member within 14 days, upon vacating office
    • acting as the official contact for the association, including taking delivery of documents served on the association and bringing them to the attention of the committee as soon as practicable
    • custody of any documents as required by the constitution.
  • The public officer MUST reside in NSW


Application Form – ANF Committee Positions

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Please use the same address that you registered with for the Australian Naturist Federation website.
Which ANF Committee positions are you interested in?
Please check one or more options
Selected Value: 0
Slide to the correct number of years. If unsure, an estimate is acceptable.
Please provide details of relevant skills, qualifications or experience
Please list and describe anything that may be relevant to the position (s) that you are interested in. You can add links, or upload images.
Please write a brief (one paragraph) statement telling us a bit about yourself and your interest/involvement in naturism.
Please add any futher information here.
Do you want to receive via email a copy of the information that you have provided?
Please answer yes or no